Sunday 20 November 2011

Textural Analysis- Quadrophenia

Story Line

Not much of the story line is shown in the opening sequence, you can kind of tell what the film could be about by the face that he's driving a vespa through  a  town and some other men drive past and give him some abuse. The story of the opening sequence is that there is a man staring into the sea, he walks up past the camera and it changes shot to his on a moped. The other characters bike past and give his abuse and he drives on and parks his bike down a little alleyway where there seem to be hundreds of other bikes.

The man staring into the sea at the sun set. Takes a minute to walk up to the camera- Shows its slow paced.

Enigma codes
What was he doing staring into the sea?
Where was he driving to?
Who were the other men?

The main character of the film is shown a lot here. He was doing something looking into the sea maybe just thinking, so we know that about the main character.  We also can tell by the huge grin on his face that he likes driving his moped.
There were some other characters, which were the other men on the bikes. They were shouting abuse at each other so we assume that they are his enemies.

The Men shouting abuse at each other

The footage so far is all in a town. You can't really see a great deal of set and location because it is quite dark.  The characters are wearing typical mod clothes, suits and parkas etc. His scooter has been modified with another light and more mirrors which shows his love for the bike.

His modified Vespa

The camera angles are all very basic since it is a social realism film. One extreme long shot at the very beginning which the character takes a whole minute to walk up and get into frame showing that it is clearly a social realism film since its so slow paced. There are a lot of medium shots that show the locations and the bike constantly moving, and there are some close ups which show the riders face and enthusiasm he has when riding his vespa.


there are lots of cuts between shows typical of social realism and there is one fade at the start which gets the light of the vespa to shine into the camera to make it subtle.

There is the music, 'The real me' By The Who which is typical of Mods and people of this time. and there is also the sound of the engines of the bike and the people shouting which is in the film. The Soundtrack builds as he gets on his bike and the drums kick in, maybe symbolising the motor of the vespa.


The titles come in on top if the film in bright orange so they are easy to read on the dark background, they go under peoples faces as to be subtle and not get in the way

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