Friday 18 November 2011

Questionnaire results.

For my film idea I went out and did some market research, i asked people in my target audience what they thought of the ideas in my film. Since they all were fans of social realism films they knew the conventions and I got there opinion of what would be good for my story/film

I asked a large number of people to fill in the questionnaire varying from 15 year olds to a 27 year old all being in the target audience. I tried to keep the balance between male and females who i gave the questionnaire to equal so to get a equal understanding of what the people thought of my idea and it could help me in some of the questions.

Justification for asking the questions and the results found.

How old are you?

I asked this question to find out how old the members of the target audience were so I could have a good range of people in the audience rather than lots of 16 or 17 year olds. I could tell that I now have a wider view of people from the older half of my market and some of the younger ages.


I asked this again to try and get an even number of males and females taking my survey so I would get a wider prospective of the audience so I can get more opinions.

When watching social realism what do you think is the most important? Rank the following highest to lowest, 1 being the highest 5 being the lowest

I asked this question to find out what people thought about different things and the order in which they took notice of things. Then I can see what I should focus on. The others sections will still be important but I just thought it would be good to see what the audience thought. The results that came out were as follows:

Overall people seemed to think that family relationships were a major theme that should happen in social realism and before my story had nothing to do with the family background, so now I can do some changes and add a family into my story.

What gender do you think the main character of my film should be?

I asked this to see what the audience thought rather than me rushing and making it a male then I asked the audience since this could change the theme of the story. But overall the gender that came off ontop was male, I think personally that that would work the best.

Do you think the titles to my film should be overlayed on top of film, within the film or in-between shots?

My audience has seen other films and will have probably noticed the credits of the film, so I asked them whether they would like the credits over the top of film or actually in the film. Overall I think I am going to do a bit of both, I think it would be more effective that way. The results seem to show that its balanced between Overlayed on top of the film and within the film. So I am happy with the results

What social realism films have you seen?

This is just a way of finding out the kind of films that my audience watch so I can look at themes of storylines etc.

Do you take much notice of the title sequence at the beginning of a film?

This is to see whether people actually pay attention to the opening scene, and followed by the next question
Are there any that you can remember from other films that you really like or think are interesting?’ more people said no but then overall more people could name films that had an ‘Interesting opening’ So I will look at these films and see what people liked about them and possibly get some ideas.
What type of location do you think would be suitable for a social realism film?

There are lots of different types of social realism films and so I think it would be useful to see what the audience like in films. The story line could change. Overall the area chosen was urban which is the most conventional for a social realism film.

What soundtrack do you think would be suitable for an opening sequence for this genre of film?

Since I’m planning on writing the music for the film I think it would be useful to know what I’m writing so I can get some inspiration from existing songs and films of this genre.

Indie came out on top followed by acoustic, I had a comment saying 'I would have liked to tick more than one, Indie/Folk/Acoustic I think since the two top answers were indie and acoustic i could stick with that style. This was also used in 'SUBMARINE' I’ve come up with an idea and have started recording and writing lyrics.

Here is the link for my questionnaire:

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