Thursday 27 October 2011

Horror or social realism? -Horror

The conventions of horror films
-Normal life, but then something supernatural or abnormal happens.
Victim- Stupid, venerable
Antagonist- Could really be anything could be a normal person or could be supernatural, maybe more than one thing e.g. the zombie apocalypse.
-Night time, dark, old houses in remote areas
-Dramatic, tense, screams and whispers
-the speed of the camera goes with the plot.

Pros of making a horror film
The genre is easy to create since the conventions are only really in horror

Cons of making a horror film
There have been so many horror films it would be hard to think of an original idea.
Location would be difficult because I live in the middle of an estate which has lots of houses around so it could be hard to film.
The cameras aren’t the best at filming in the dark
Not a great deal happens in the first 2 minutes of a horror film so it could be hard to show anything without it being a trailer.
I don’t really like horror films and I don’t watch a lot of them so I wouldn’t really know what to look for in camera angles etc.
Usually quite a high budget
It’s hard to do without it looking cheesy

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