Monday 13 February 2012

Origami Films- Final Development

Origami Pictures
I spent a lot of time working on my production card ‘Origami Films’ Starting out as ‘Rock the boat films’ and ending up as origami films. I started off with rock the boat and in my head the idea was going well, that a plastic boat would simply float past the camera with the logo on the sail and some text would appear under the boat. However this didn’t prove well since I couldn’t find a plastic boat anywhere which wasn’t a very good start, so I had the idea of making a boat out of origami as a new idea with the same thing of having a logo on the sail and the writing on the bottom. Unfortunately, when I tried to do this, the boat was origami and so sank in the water and fell apart this then led me onto the idea of using origami as the theme and so ‘Origami Films’ was born. I tried several ideas until finding a logo and production card I liked. Here is my 1st idea
‘Origami Films 1st draft’
The text in white on a black background so it’s easy to read and I obviously don’t have any origami in it so I made an origami bird to fly in front of it, I didn’t really like it at the time so I decided to try another idea

‘Origami Films 2nd Draft’
This production card is just a simple production card of the words ‘Origami Films’ made out of lots of colourful paper but I also didn’t really like that so I moved onto my 3rd idea.

‘Origami Films 3rd Draft/Final’
This is similar to my 1st draft of having a bird and the white letters but instead this time I have used cocktail sticks to hold the letters up and made an image

The Music

After going through several artists i have now found some music which i am very happy with. Blacksands 'Trashbox' I know the band so i have already asked them whether it is ok to use the track and they are very happy with me using it. I think that the music and the alternative 'Indie' genre of the music suits my character and its what i think he would listen to so i'm very happy with it.
Before i used 'Tonight' by Nik Lowe but i changed that since in social realism the music of the film has to suit the character, and in this case i think it has worked.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Production Cards- 'Origami Films'

After lots and trial and error I couldn’t come up with a boat that floated steadily enough to film. So after all of this, I decided to change the name of the company. After all of the origami with the boat I decided to change the production card to origami films. I tried a couple of ideas, this is my first idea. The letters are white and it’s on a black background to back them clear and an origami bird flies over in front of them, in my opinion it just didn’t look very good and I asked a few members of the target audience and they agreed that it wasn’t very good, and some in fact laughed. So I decided to change the production card so that it was some simple letters made out of colourful origami so they were easy to read on a white background and overall I am quite pleased with it. The camera zooms out slowly so you can read the text and the fades to black. After this is will be the start of the film so I think that it’s a good idea to fade to black rather than go for a straight cut from the production cards to the film.

1st Draft 'Origami Films'

Final Outcome ‘Origami Films'